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Afghan surge poses logistical headache for U.S. army (&22gal gas/day per soldier used)

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 02:00 AM
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Afghan surge poses logistical headache for U.S. army (&22gal gas/day per soldier used)
Afghan surge poses logistical headache for U.S. army

WASHINGTON (AFP) – President Barack Obama's order to surge 30,000 troops into Afghanistan presents the US military with a giant logistical challenge as it faces some of the most forbidding terrain in the world.

With few paved roads and a vast, rugged landscape, moving soldiers and equipment into Afghanistan "is a bigger challenge than certainly was the case in Iraq," Defense Secretary Robert Gates said last month.

Fulfilling Obama's vow to send troops at the "fastest pace possible," the first units of the buildup are due to arrive within two to three weeks, and the military plans to have all the reinforcements in place by the end of next summer.


An estimated 80 percent of military supplies come in through Pakistan, much of it via a single, vulnerable road that threads through the Khyber Pass and has been attacked repeatedly by armed insurgents.

From tanks to armored vehicles to helicopters and warplanes, the Afghan operation consumes huge amounts of fuel, with the military guzzling up to 83 liters or 22 gallons of gasoline per soldier every day.
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ConsAreLiars Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 04:36 AM
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1. Corporate imperialism is happily bleeding itself to death, and Obama offers to
slice open another bleeder. Loyal servant, to the death. A suicide pact crayon-colored over with happy-faces and Flags.
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