"Now, he's just a blowhard. I actually felt sorry for him when I heard Tancredo was offering a ballot proposal on illegal immigration. Most of us have moved on. There's the economy, there's the mini-surge in Afghanistan, there's John McCain robo-calling, there's climate-gate e-mailing, there's Tiger Woods snoring. Even talk radio seems to have found new issues. And Lou Dobbs, last I checked, doesn't have a TV show anymore."
"Tancredo hasn't moved on. He is stuck with the issue that defines him. He tried out pot legalization, but who was he kidding?
Nobody wants to imagine Tancredo with a bong. Then he decided to waste our time putting a nonbinding resolution on
the state ballot that would put Colorado on record against Barack Obama going into the gun-confiscating business. Did I say blowhard? I meant delusional blowhard."
"And, in fact, I'll make the bold prediction that the Tancredo proposal — which would require businesses to check all new workers for citizenship status — will never make it to the 2010 ballot. Tancredo has already told ace reporter Lynn Bartels that if fundraising doesn't go well (another prediction: it won't), he may well discontinue the effort. In other words, Tancredo is already laying the groundwork for another, uh, early departure. This would be a Tancredo trend — countering an earlier trend when he just wouldn't go away."
We're not in post-partisan America, of course. And when Obama said in his Afghanistan speech that he believed "with every fiber of (his) being" that Americans can still find common purpose, he was mocked for ignoring the evidence.
But we may be closer to living in a post-wedge-issue America. Wedge issues, like gay marriage and illegal immigration, were big factors in recent elections.
Republicans won most of those battles, but if you look at the larger picture, they lost the war.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe it's because I don't live anywhere near him, but I hadn't heard anything about Tancredo in quite a while. Maybe he's angling for a VP nomination from Palin (now there's a dream ticket), since he's developing a reputation for "early departures". ;)