Yesterday I watched Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, almost turn into a pretzel with her contorted answers to Rachel Maddow's questions about the justification for president Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan. I have to admit I enjoyed watching Ms. Maddow's bewildered look when trying to comprehend the answers and explanations being given by Ambassador Rice. Ms. Maddow's questions were right on point and relevant: Why not invade Yemen, and Somalia? Isn't al-Qaeda operating in those countries as well? How's Obama's approach different from the Bush doctrine of preemption?
The answers by Ambassador Rice (for whom I've always had great respect), of course, didn't make any sense (IMHO). And that got me thinking about writing this diary I've been wanting to write for a while now, about the massive and effective manipulation of the citizenry by a corporate-controlled media. And it works not only on the FoxNews-type viewers, but more insidiously, on many of those who consider themselves liberal progressives.