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The Puffing up of the Stupid...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Javaman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 02:52 PM
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The Puffing up of the Stupid...
A friend just sent me this latest piece of stupidity.

About some right wing jackass that claims he was a "hero" by preventing another terrorist attack. Then goes on to claim that by "confronting" these other than white people he averted disaster.

The only problem: it didn't happen.

How many times have we read in the MSM or via some jackass mass email or proclaimed by one nut or another over at freep land to be some sort of cardboard hero?

"I wrestled 35 terrorists to the ground only using my pencil while they had uzi's!!". You get the idea, and as much hyperbole I am using, it's still not all that far from one their various "accounts" of the "truth".

How many right wing morons have we seen since 9/11 to claim to be veterans? Standing proudly with a chest full of medals they didn't earn or weren't even in the service?

What is lacking in these peoples tepid little lives that they need to puff them up to insane bullshit proportions?

Much too long in the basement? Eating too many frozen dinners? Not enough sex? Never had sex? Can't quite grasp the fact that they are just below average people?

Or as I like to call them, rebels without a clue. (thanks Tom Petty).

This odd need is almost like a bizarre manifestation of Munchhausen Disease. Instead of feigned aliments, they feign a grandiose sense of self worth.

Moron #1: Well, you know, I killed 20 VC back in the shit.

Reality: But you weren't even of draft age. You were like 10 in 1969!

Moron #1: well, yeah, but everyone knows we didn't pull out after '74, that was just a ruse to throw off the Chinese...

Reality: you're a moron.

I just don't get it. What is the point in making up these total bullshit lies when they will inevitably be found out to be liars?

Ride the wave of 15 minutes of fame followed by a life time of shame?

After which, they plunge into various fringe groups because they feel put down by, you know, the truth. But instead of confronting reality, they use other labels; The Left Wing Conspiracy, etc.

I'm trying to wrap my brain around this, but I just can't get past the concept of; if their lives suck, then just change them. If they are so patriotic (via their distorted concept), then join the military. If they want to get out of their miserable life sucking marriage based upon nothing more than a golf score, then get a divorce.

And at the end of the day, it's this concept that I believe rules much of the rights psyche. This misplaced need to be great without having to actually, you know, do anything.

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snagglepuss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 03:01 PM
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1. Their behaviour is really strange and reflects ther acceptance of Palin.
Nonsensical statements are accepted with no questions asked. No one is called out on a lie. Words basically have no foundation in reality.:crazy:
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