We talk about how Freepers project when they talk about other groups, and it's true. They do. They call liberal groups 'violent', 'anti-American', 'paranoid', etc. When they do this it is because of projection. they are so buried in their own inner dialogue that they can't step outside of their own minds to think about how someone else thinks about things. So, everywhere they look, they see hostility, paranoia, anger - because that's what's going on inside their minds. They're so absorbed in their hatred that they can't picture anyone not being full of hate.
However, we project too. Liberals are usually known for tolerance and a willing to listen to ideas other than their own. This is how we think - we're used to the idea that everyone might have a different viewpoint, so much so that we can't really picture someone thinking otherwise. Thus we end up stunned and confused when we run up against absolutist thinkers like Freepers.
That's why we can't communicate.