ALBANY — Joseph L. Bruno, the former Senate majority leader and a towering figure in state politics, was found guilty on Monday afternoon of failing to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts disguised as consulting fees from a businessman who sought grants and other help from the Legislature.
After seven days of deliberating, the jury in Mr. Bruno’s federal corruption trial handed down a guilty verdict on two felony counts. They found Mr. Bruno not guilty on five counts and could not reach a verdict on another count.
Mr. Bruno, 80, who was once the top Republican in New York and one of the state’s most powerful politicians, faces up to 20 years and a $250,000 fine on each felony count. He is sure to appeal, and the Supreme Court is preparing to review the controversial “theft of honest services” statute underlying his case.
"I am very, very disappointed in the verdict," Mr. Bruno said afterwards from the courthouse steps. "The legal process is going to continue. In my mind and in my heart, it is not over until it’s over. And I think it’s far from over. Thank you all, have a good night and merry Christmas."
His remarks were uncharacteristically short, lasting 18 seconds. A clearly dejected Mr. Bruno, a former boxer known for rarely backing down from a fight, stood in the bitter cold and he only showed some signs of life when a young woman yelled out "I love you, Joe!" as he was walking towards a waiting car. "Thank you very much," he replied, as another young woman yelled "love you!" A couple dozen reporters and photographers clustered around him. He was guided through the throng by his son Kenneth and his handler, Kris Thompson.