Edited on Mon Dec-07-09 11:05 PM by TwixVoy
There are posts on DU that seem to become increasingly more frequent in nature with talk of revolution in this nations future. I have even read it in other left leaning writings such as Kos.
During the reign of Bush there was a silent fear from many who were politically active (that varied from person to person as to the level of the concern) that Bush would create some kind of martial law. That the votes were rigged. That the people were not represented.
What worries me is that here on DU among some people on the left the same feeling still exists, and that feeling definitely exists with the right wingers.
Why do I find this disturbing? Because it suggests that this discontent is NOT a political discontent, but rather a universal discontent that exists with many in the middle and lower classes of society. It suggests to me that the ongoing trend in the United States is the elimination of the middle class and the creation of a nation of debt slaves to the banks. A nation of poor people who see their wealth being taken and given to the rich (for instance, all the bank bail outs thanks to tax payer funds) who see nothing getting better.
Many on DU know that I believe a long term trend will continue in this country in which people become more and more poor in general.
Some people have accused me of believing that we are looking at a massive sudden 2nd Great Depression, which is not true at all. I believe that - through global forces on this planet - this nation will become a nation of poor people in which there are two classes of people - the top 1% that controls all the wealth and everyone else. I believe this will be a slow gradual process that will occur over many years, and I believe that most Americans will be unaware of it. I have compared it to a frog in slowly heating water. They won't realize until it has already happened to them personally.
I don't think there is going to be any revolution, but I think we need to face the fact that our politicians - be they republican or democrat - are personally millionaires (or in some cases billionaires) and do not represent the middle and lower classes. What is going on economically is above them. What we see happening is the result of global forces and where we have allowed this nation to exist in the global community. We have eliminated a vast majority of our manufacturing base this past century, and we have allowed multi-billion dollar corporations to bust our unions. We have allowed banks to extend credit to we "consumers" and have become virtual debt slaves financing literally every aspect of our lives - be it cars, homes, our college education, and even our simple consumer goods purchases. We have allowed easy credit to supplement low wages and wages that do not keep pace with inflation.
Have our leaders done anything to better those situations that directly impact anyone below the upper class? Not really. We have seen constant hand outs to the upper classes though. And what was the conclusion from last weeks job summit? That the "private sector" billionaires that attended the meeting need to fix this. That's right - the same people who have actively been working to screw us over for decades. I'm not holding my breath.
I see our leaders working to ease us in to this future. Making token gestures to make us believe things will get better and this trend of a shrinking middle class will reverse. The old saying judge a person by their actions not what they say holds true here. I have seen little tangible ACTIONS taken to reverse corporate control. I've heard a lot of rhetoric, but haven't seen any real actions taken. Call me pessimistic, but I don't believe any politician is going to work to turn this around. It is we the people that will eventually have to fix this problem. What form of action that will take is anyones guess, but I believe it will be many years before enough people realize how badly the rich have screwed them TODAY and in many years prior to today.