Margaret, Chapter One of Going Rogue by Sarah Palin ends on page 62. That’s about 61 pages after it should have ended. It has approximately 19,500 words to it, but not one of them was worth reading. It’s all pure crap. If this chapter is any indication of what’s ahead, then it appears Mrs. Palin plans to spend the rest of her life getting even with the world by rewriting history.
The very first page of the book is a map of the globe as seen from the North Pole – I guess to emphasize the proximity of Alaska to Russia. Honestly honey, when is she going to learn that dog don’t hunt? Her defending us from Russia would be about as effective as Todd Palin’s preferred brand of condoms. Oh yes – Track arrived not quite 8 months after they sprinted to the courthouse to elope. I guess Sarah’s ghost writer didn’t think anyone who reads this book could count.
And oh my but did she loves to read. All her life all she ever did was read, read, read. Too bad somewhere along the way she didn’t learn to write. And that college thing… Well, it seems that it took so many years and so many different colleges to get a degree because she had to work so much. And by work, she means entering beauty pageants and sleeping with Todd.
She finds a way to reference Ronald Reagan as early as page three in this chapter – which is supposedly about her childhood - and then mentions him again about a dozen more times before the chapter ends. Even her Grandpa ate jelly beans and looked remarkably like Ronald Regan. And Sarah’s favorite words - patriotic, patriot and patriotism - populate her paragraphs like illegitimate children populate her family tree.
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