Like most here, I was hoping Obama's presidency would have been far more progressive, but when he loaded up his cabinet with corporate compliant DLCers, I hoped they would have at minimum gotten 90% of corporate America behind them by spanking and neutering the 10% that are screwing the rest of businesses as well as average Americans. Then they could please both progressives and the corporate whores.
Imagine if Obama and the Democrats said, "The effects of a handful of out of control industries are poisoning the very life blood of our economy, extorting money from those who create jobs through providing legitimate goods and services at a fair price; others have a toxic effect by destroying functioning businesses for their own short term financial gain by manipulating markets. By the end of my administration, these businesses will behave responsibly and their power to influence law and policy sharply curtailed, or they will be nationalized as a matter of national economic security. So to the health insurance industry, the oil industry, and Wall Street, I say 'The American people are coming for you, and we will not rest until you are brought to heel or dead.'''
This would also be using a time honored union-busting tactic against big business: divide and conquer. Get most of business behind taking down the bad actors. If it succeeded, any problems with other businesses would be that much easier to rein in since they had seen what happened to the biggest malefactors.
Instead, the Democrats have gone whole whore on everything, which, while winning them corporate love, is alienating their activist base.