'Cause I hate seeing children cry, even flower children.
What the fuck I'm talking about is that you guys had no teeth to your protest. Kent State? Okay, four dead, nine injured, and what was accomplished? Seriously, what happened then? Nothing stopped, nothing changed. Why? because you bunch earnestly believed that, if you just wished hard enough, magical fairies would appear and make everything just great.
Know why Martin Luther King was so successful, walldude? It wasn't so much because of his peaceful methods. It was because his peaceful methods and approaches were basically the only thing stopping ten million very angry people from exploding. You guys took that... and hten stripped away the "or else". I'm sorry, but you can have all the scathing chants, the witty placards, and every goddamned John Denver Song you can think up, and unless you have an "or else" you're not going to get a fucking thing done.
Unfortunately, this mentality of "If you wish hard enough, it'll happen" (best expressed in John Lennon's snotty-assed message, "war is over; if you want it" - Yeah sure John, we just weren't wishing hard enough I guess) was passed down to your kids, then to their kids (and for some of you, their kids' kids) as the "best" way to protest - mill around, sing something limp, wear birkenstocks (or crocs these days), and then go home and brag about how much you pretended to accomplish.
Your parents and their parents, when they didn't like something, shut down entire swaths of the country.These people in Tehran are closing down the city. They're beating back police officers. it's Kent State times ten every day there during these protests. Everywhere around the world, protests are motherfucking protests. people in the streets, stopping commerce, shoving the cops aside, and making hteir unhappiness known.
Here in the US, a protest is a couple people circlejerking and then meekly dispersing when the cops tell them to. This rather distressing trend has its roots in a generation that believed they could change everything by doing nothing.