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Index: The Privatized War in Afghanistan

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
tekisui Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-08-09 04:53 PM
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Index: The Privatized War in Afghanistan
Source: Monthly Review

Additional number of American troops President Obama plans to deploy to Afghanistan: 30,000

Total number of U.S. troops that will be there after the deployment: 98,000

Number of private contractors working for the U.S. in Afghanistan as of September 2009: 104,101

Percent by which that number grew between June and September: 40

Percent of the Defense Department’s workforce in Afghanistan accounted for by contractors: 57

Number of conflicts in U.S. history involving a higher percentage of contractors: 0

Percent of the U.S. presence on the ground during the Vietnam War accounted for by contractors: 13

Percent of the Defense Department’s 2008 budget devoted to contracts and grants: 82

Estimated value of Defense Department contracts in Afghanistan awarded to Texas-based Fluor and Virginia’s DynCorp: $7.5 billion

Amount Fluor’s PAC contributed to federal candidates in 2008: $305,499

Amount DynCorp’s PAC contributed to federal candidates in 2008: $51,999

Date on which a financial analyst announced that Fluor and DynCorp stood to benefit from deployment of additional troops to Afghanistan: 12/2/2009

Amount by which Fluor’s share prices rose in that afternoon’s trading: 33 cents

Amount by which DynCorp’s share prices rose: 30 cents

Month in which DynCorp disclosed in a regulatory filing that it had made payments to expedite visas and licenses, potentially violating the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: 11/2009

The estimated total for these illegal payments: $300,000

Date on which an investigation was announced on behalf of DynCorp investors over possible securities law violations by the company: 12/3/2009

Value of a U.S. contract with DynCorp to train Iraqi police that federal auditors said was so mismanaged they were unable to determine how the money was spent: $1.2 billion

Year in which the U.S. Commission on Wartime Contracting is scheduled to release a comprehensive study of contracting in war zones: 2011

Links to all the numbers at Monthly Review.
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leftstreet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-08-09 05:01 PM
Response to Original message
1. That's a pretty small investment for such a big contract
Estimated value of Defense Department contracts in Afghanistan awarded to Texas-based Fluor and Virginia’s DynCorp: $7.5 billion

Amount Fluor’s PAC contributed to federal candidates in 2008: $305,499

Amount DynCorp’s PAC contributed to federal candidates in 2008: $51,999

hehe I bet we're not getting the whole story there.

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