Edited on Fri Dec-11-09 09:19 AM by tom_paine
had many causes, not the least of it was the Bushies throwing McCain to the wolves and saddling him with Palin.
Why? Because 99.5% of people touchingly believe that we are a Democratic Republic, when what we are is an Inverted Totalitarianism (Google it), and if the "election" had gone to McPalin that number may have dropped dangerously and could have spread "virally".
Now that Obama has been elected, The Bushies and the Corporate Power Elite can go back to rigging shamelessly (but with just enough plausible deniability to keep the 99.5% docile and confused).
So, really, Obama's victory was about Plausible Deniability more than anything.
Also, you have to have Good Cop, in between bouts of Bad Cop or the whole Good Cop/Bad Cop game doesn't work.
It sounds crazy, doesn't it? I know. But if there is one thing the last 30 years have taught us, it's that things aren't what they seem and that, at least recently, the "crazy conspiracy theorists" such as those who knew from the start (now being futher revealed in British hearings censored in Americcca to keep them from the eyes of the 99.5%) that Bushler was ALWAYS going to war and the whole thing was a joke of a Dumbshow to start with, are right far more often than our State-Controlled Media Infogandists.
I would not have believed it, either, years ago. But that was before those "crazy" hippies and conspiracy theorists turned out to be right about Bush, the Iraq War, dropping $100s on Afghanistan, stolen palates of $100s weighing hundreds of tons being shipped to Iraq with no control or accountibility for where it ended up and dozens of other things.
That was when I was so foolish as to believe Tim Russert was a "journalist" not a pudgy Corporate Spokesmodel.
So, yes, after it has been pretty conclusively demonstrated that Americccan "conventional wisdom" is pretty much 100% lies and is the view from Cable TV's and the RW's rectum, such ideas are much easier to believe and make more sense than 90% of the shit shown on Americcca's State-Controlled (but with Plausible Deniability so it doesn't look so much like it) Infoganda Machine.
Finally, an anecdote to prove my point, for I suspect it can be repeated in the millions if not the tens of millions:
I had some friends who, after 8 years of Bushler had finally become a little cynical about voting trustworthiness and other things. "If MCain gets elected," they said, "then I think I finally believe you about vote rigging."
In other words, the Bushies' having taken over Conventional Wisdom means nothing if higher percentages of people come to see that it's a 100% lie than we 0.5% (probably more like 0.05%).
Because the Bushies let Obama win where they most certainly could have stolen it, my friends will never again for the remainder of their lives question voting in this country, no matter what the evidence of coruption and malfeasance or simply lack of voting safeguards which commonsensically suggest the voting system needs shoring up and securing, at the very least.
And I guarantee that has been repeated millions or perhaps even tens of millions of times. The number of the trusting naive is now firmly back to 99.5% or higher, and you'll notice Obama has no inclination, nor will he ever, to reform the "voting" system in the slightest.
Mission accomplished.
NOTE: This is all along the lines of metaphysical speculation, as the larger issues are demonstarbly true but we can never know the exact mechanisms which it is carried out. Direct conspiracy by cigar-smokers in back rooms? Unlikely. Hub-and-spoke implicit conspiracy with the players working not off a big plan but compartmentalized conjoined interests "knowing what they have to do" with a room full of cigar-smokers issuing the orders. More likely.
Is Obama "in on it"? Probably not, but he surely knows who his REAL constituents are: The Corporate Elite and not the peasantry, that's for sure. Though Good Cop throws us a bone or two while giving the Corporate Elite the steak.
But it doesn't matter HOW it works, only that it continues to work as well as when Bushler was in office (except Obama is playing Good Cop).