Gates is one player who need to be kept on 'our' side. I remember thinking when he was allowed to stay on, that it was somehow fitting that a republican should still be responsible for the wars started by republicans. That will bind up the criticism from same, and make it easier to navigate for the Dems.
Seriously, the picture isn't as easy as we think it is. There is no such thing as total control, where you can make a clean break with the past. There are so many powerful players with so many powerful connections, that the idea of 'clean' government can't be a reality yet however much we wish for it.
Fuck Yoo, we say, and that may be right and he should definitely be held responsible. But in a touch and go game of politics on the level we're talking about here, a real life scenario must also contain a semi-hostile press and the power of the astroturfing repub networks, and the power of the official secret networks which may only be semi-friendly. You gotta have in mind that there would be a close and careful judgement for which fight to be picked as time goes by, one by one.
Each democratic, sane and common sense issue framed by the Dems must be fought thru the official bodies of the US with clenched teeth, then fought thru the press with clenched teeth, then fought thru the astroturf guerillas with clenched teeth, as if it were a big mistake at the outset, an abomination and a horror to the eye. Even though it never is, like a decent health care provided for all Americans. You've seen it, I don't have to explain. Public health care is Hitler, it's on that level we start out.
Now, there are many, many war veterans on this place. You don't expect the Veterans for Peace to turn into the Veterans for War just because a Democrat president is in the office. I think the war protests are a good thing, not a bad thing. The soldiers have earned the right to speak, it's what you would expect. Many people have lost their lives un-necessary in the Bush wars, there is a huge backlog of BAD that inflicts upon how we think, about any politician. I lost most of my faith in society structures during the last eight years, because it was just too wild, you know? Then Obama was elected, to my surprise, and it proved that democracy still works in your country. No doubt, the election of Barack Obama was a huge victory for democracy, not only in the US, but world wide. He has asked us to 'look forward', which is a clear indication of where we stand. This was the recipe prescribed to the Israelis and the Palestinians in the 90's: how do we get on with progress towards peace? If you were there, and participated in the resistance, you are surely touched by it. Some may have personal damage. I know I am hurt. I know I've spent many years of appeasement in the private area, trying to catch my balance as the ill winds that blows the world comes closer. Yeah, so what? I can take it, and the only reason I won't accept it, is that we are, seemingly, back to normal. We're apparently back in everyday life, like it used to be. The real people are in control, so if they are, why won't my life be as it used to be? Why
shouldn't my life be as it used to be? I won, for chrissake. Every good will project I've worked on for the last six years has been a winner as seen from the viewpoint of the people I've been trying to help, there's no doubt about it. But I don't win personally, because I don't claim the big victory, because it isn't about ME. And because I see that the struggle isn't over, that there's more to it than meets the eye. It has been a long learning process for a guy that never used to be interested in politics, and if you see it from a perspective of self interest, I would curse the day I started out.
I have followed for the last days president Obama's visit to my country and the incredible apparatus that surrounds him. It's like totally crazy, seen from a Norwegian viewpoint. It's interesting to think about because I supported the hubbub because it was to protect Obama. When he left, I felt like I did when Al Gore left in 2007: Thank goodness nothing bad happened to destroy the peace and quiet, that nobody tried to blow up the ill winds right in the middle of peace itself. That MY country didn't become the scene for violence and destruction, a likely scenario that will surround the most powerful person in the world, history has proven that. I live in the area touched by this enormous security detail, and half expected a Secret Service agent to knock on my door and tell me to STFU during his visit due to my political activity. If they had, I'd have welcomed them, you know. Because we're on the same side, and we for sure won't have any random events to ruin the establishment diplomatic motions involved in an award of this kind. Anything that would have made the award less sweet for Obama and Michelle would not have been to my advantage. We never win from events like that, not even if something had happened to Bush while he was at the top of his power. It's a no-go.
At the same time I started to think about how Obama felt inside all this wrapping. You know, he's just a man, and the Obama family is just a family, human beings. The power comes from the apparatus and the role he is posessing, and it's huge, huge. Obama is also a great man, but he's just a man. If he's gonna be a great president, we must build him into being great. Maybe it isn't possible anymore to have great presidents. Maybe that isn't a totally bad thing, I don't know. But he has been a symbol for what we achieved thru the long cold years, and I think the times and circumstances will prove him to be greater than he appears just now. Because it isn't over, you know. The rw machinery goes on and on, grinding out every negative detail they can find and blowing it up to hysterical proportions. They've got all the media power and has a vast array of methods to make us _not_ think about Obama as a great president, there's no doubt about it. They're not only present in your country, but all over the world and have been so for many years. Bush undid a lot of things, and what was most damaging was to politicize capitalism and speckle the media with enough people to match their political views.
It's amazing to see only Obama critics on the eve when he's awarded the NPP for just being elected by YOU. Because that was what it was all about, you know. You and us. The big mix. Don't forget that the awarding country is involved in the same war as you are, and so is most of Europe. We're just as sick of the war as you are. We want change too. We never liked Bush, but involuntarily Bush opened up your country to us because we needed to know what was going on. We know public health care isn't Hitler, because we kicked Hitler out of our countries, with
YOUR help. That was a war too, fought before the doctrinal wars of the cold war period made war into a political means. We need to see that even though we refer to them as the Great Generation, they didn't feel that great. It must have been total shit to be a soldier in WW2 because your life prospects was slim. And therein lies their greatness: they were willing to sacrifice their lives for freedom because they felt the heat of the moment. It was seen as a necessity and the sense of a common goal was strong enough to keep it up until fascism was beaten. Occupation ensued, and the country we occupied is today grateful for that. It was not perfect, but then democracy never is. What saved us back then was unity for a common goal. Today the picture is much more speckled, difficult to understand, and easy to exploit, and eight years of Bush wars have taken a toll.
OK, that's understandable, but we don't need to shit all over Obama just because he's trying to solve the situation. He's the rubber man, pulled in all directions to fit our needs. Everybody need a little bit of him, and everybody is so unhappy when he can't get more than this little bit because Bush had nothing to offer, so there is a deficit inside us. Combined with a deep distrust in government and the establishment in general, this is a potent mix which only serves the agenda of the rw. Because they want chaos, that's clear. They benefit from chaos because their minds are chaotic and fractioned, just as Bush' mind was chaotic and fractioned. A presidency means nothing to the people that has been taking advantage of that chaos for the last eight years (and longer), they don't want democracy and so don't want the democratic institutions to function properly. They want to pick the pockets of democracy, that's what they really want. A presidency is their wallet, a senator is money, not a person of character. They don't want persons of character, they don't want incorruptible politicians, because they don't fit into the creative destruction scenario which leads to chaos, which leads to opportunity, which leads to more easy money. War is one handy scenario in that respect, so they want wars to provide that opportunity. Obama wants peace, he'd never want a war just to keep business opportunities open. The Taliban didn't like the NPP award and used the same arguments as the rw now is warming up to. Hawks turning peace doves, how likely is that? They for sure didn't like the US president to have a stronger democratic base (which hopefully the NPP award will provide over time), but wants him to be as stuck as possible between the US hawks and their own AK47's. Stuck between extreme Christianity and extreme Islam, stuck between the right and left, stuck between media and media consumers - it's an eternal
walk to Canossa.
I think, with all respect for the war veterans and the families who have lost their loved ones, that this man holds himself well in the face of all this. Much of the criticism is to be expected, and I don't think he had any illusions when taking the office. He has made progress believable again, and he and his family has made hope possible for many people that had lost it, not only in the US but world wide. The US image is soaring among people at home and abroad, so there! This credit is due to you as well, as Obama is a democratic president, a bottom up president and a people's president.
Yeah, this came out a bit longer than intended, but I needed to went.