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Grassley: I’m Too Busy To Comment On The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill

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Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 10:14 AM
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Grassley: I’m Too Busy To Comment On The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill
In recent weeks, One Iowa, the state’s largest LGBT organization, has been pressuring Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) to denounce the Anti-Homosexuality Bill currently being considered by the Ugandan parliament. A major reason for the emphasis on Grassley is his relationship with the The Family, an international Christian organization that has pushed extreme right-wing policies in Africa (as reported by author Jeff Sharlet).

On Wednesday, Grassley finally responded to his constituents. However, he refused to condemn the legislation, saying he was too busy to be concerned about such matters:

“I’ve got a fulltime job reading bills in Congress without reading the bills in another 190 countries,” Grassley said. “Surely nobody in Iowa expects me to keep up on issues that are in the parliaments of other countries. Besides I don’t know anything about it.”

Grassley spokesperson Beth Levine also told the Iowa Independent that after inquiries from the press, their office “contacted the U.S. State Department to get more information” and was told “that the administration hasn’t made an official statement, but an assistant secretary has privately relayed concerns to the Ugandan president.”

If he is too busy to get a member of his staff to summarize the bill for him, he is an immoral hypocrite to say the least. He knows what it is about, and I guess he doesn't want to be drummed out of the 'Hinkey Mouse Club.'

He is truly a pathetic excuse for a human being.
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tmyers09 Donating Member (706 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 10:16 AM
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1. Busy doing what?
Cause it sure doesn't look like you're doing much of anything, unless you count being a fucking blowhard standing in the way of people who actually ARE trying to do something.
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dgibby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 10:32 AM
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2. He wasn't too busy to issue a statement
Edited on Fri Dec-11-09 10:33 AM by dgibby
denying being a member of the Family, according to Rachel on last night's show.

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derby378 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 10:37 AM
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3. There are four Democrats fighting to replace him in 2010
Roxanne Conlin, Tom Fiegen, Bob Krause, and Sal Mohamed.

Iowa DUers, I wish you all success in ditching the dead weight and putting one of these four Democrats in office in 2010. :hi:
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progressoid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 11:00 AM
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4. I doubt he even knows where Uganda is.
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bullwinkle428 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 11:09 AM
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5. Guess what, fucker - that's ANOTHER $50 to your opponent's
campaign coffers!!!
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