I sometimes get frustrated because I have few chances to vote for Democrats on my local ticket and even fewer chances to vote for Democrats on my statewide and national ticket. And even when there's a Democrat running here in Tennessee, they're often way too conservative for me. Yet, I ALWAYS VOTE! And I have other ways to support Liberals/Progressives in other areas.
I refuse to think of myself as powerless so I've really thought about how I can get Liberals/Progressives into power. Since I recognized that national legislation has incredible power over our lives, I started there and then moved to state and then local. I'm always better off with Democrats in power and best off with liberal Democrats in power.
Here's the deal I made:
I always vote, and always vote for the most liberal Democrat who is available on the ticket I can vote on. I didn't get a chance to vote for or against Max Baucus, Joe Lieberman, etc. but I did vote for Harold Ford, Jr. (even though philosophically we're worlds apart) I voted for a more liberal candidate in the Senate Primary but I only had the choice of Harold in the General Election. He was a lot better than Bob Corker (R) and his presence would've given the Senate Democrats one more head count, even though he's conservative.
Then, I financially support (as strongly as I can) the most liberal Democrat anywhere who has even a remote chance of winning a national office no matter what geographic area they represent. I support pro-choice women through Emily's List, I directly supported Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Bruce Braley (Iowa), Ned Lamont (Connecticut), Bernie Sanders (Vermont), Al Franken (Minnesota), Steve Cohen (Tennessee), etc. and though I couldn't vote for them, many of them won. Their presence in the Senate and House helps me greatly. Even though I couldn't actually "vote" for them, I could support them with $, phone-banking, etc.
And I will NOT avoid actually voting, primarily because that's what the GOP wants. They're seriously into "voter suppression" in every way possible, I've seen local GOP here actually encourage Dem's to not vote since there are no Dem's running. If I go to vote in the local elections and there are no Democrats running for whom I can vote, I show up and cast a ballot with no Republicans selected. That way, at least the ballot count shows that the unopposed Republicans had someone show up who actually voted "against" them. And when Democrats consider running, they do actually look at those numbers to see if there might be some support for them in the potential electorate. And I want them to be able to see that there are people who are opposed to the current GOP officeholders.
In summary, I VOTE for whoever I am able to vote for on my ballot and I CONTRIBUTE to any liberals I can find who have a potential to affect national legislation in the House and Senate. Though I am hurt by the actions of Joe Lieberman and Max Baucus, I am helped by the actions of Bernie Sanders, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, etc..
I do the same statewide here in Tennessee. Because I live in East Tennessee, there often are not any Democrats running for positions that are on my ballot. If there are, I vote for them even if they're not liberal. However, I support other Democrats running for the State Legislature if they represent my ideals, even if I can't vote for them.