Rep. Alan Grayson created a site for us to send letters to the White House appealing for peace. It had a prewritten message, but encouraged users to modify it.
I chose to write my own, emphasizing less the idea of broken promises, and more how the President had the power to change the world w/ his choice.
Some other people might be stronger on the need for the peace dividend--what we lose we every day of a war. Others might emphasize the tragedy of broken lives. Still others might talk about the cynicism about representative democracy that is growing, especially among the young, when the peace candidate becomes a President who leads us into longterm war.
Here is the site for whatever letter you are moved to write: here is mine:
Afghanistan War Helps No One
Dear President Obama,
When you campaigned we Americans heard you as a man who loved peace. We heard that the only war you would accept was one caused by our need to defend ourselves against attack. We understood that you had learned the real lessons of history, especially of Viet Nam.
Now that Al Qaeda has moved from Afganistan to Pakistan and no longer relies for support on the Taliban, we hope that on reflection, you can see that imposing the horrors of war on Afghanis, the price of war on Americans, and the costs in maiming, death, and lifelong trauma on many of the young Americans sent there, are no longer justifiable.
The U.S. so desperately needs its resources elsewhere. And the world needs a peace-loving U.S., a U.S. at its best, not an embittered U.S. looking to blame its troubles on the rest of the world. You have so much power to decide which we will be. Please choose peace.
(Clear Eye)