I know my head is going to ripped off for this, but he comes up with good ideas and then succumbs to the f....g re publicans instead of appealing to the people to stand up and fight! bush began throwing money away at the banks and he continued it. public option was attacked from day one and instead of berating the dems in congress to get off their stupid asses he allows it to happen. Afghanistan is going to continue forever - all it takes is a history book to see that NOBODY HAS EVER CONQUERED THAT PLACE!! The russians who were brutal couldnt do it, and afghanistan finally led them down the road to bankruptcy and there went their system of govt. Good or bad it doesnt matter - the fact is we are on the same road. Furthermore, give an american the liberty to take care of himself and this will change. Someone here in san diego rigged his truck to a large steel garbage can surrounded by batteries. He would fill it up with garbage, the batteries would heat the garbage which produced gas which went into the engine and it ran! He was given a ticket for unlawfully hauling garbage!!!!!!!! Admittedly it is a losing battle against the repukes since the majority are stupid uneducated and ignorant and he is fighting against big money but for heaven's sakes if he was sincere why isnt he raising hell? there really is no excuse since he knows how govt functions - he was part of it. Still it was nice for awhile to think that we are finally heading back towards some sanity... ok attack me at will.