Gotta love Austria though, no ostentatious exceptional-ism there I'm sure - here, from a blog in the link submitted as to Must See Movies,
"Wall-E? Is that a joke? That was a an eco-propaganda, anti-capitalist movie",+Neuschwanstein+Castle,+Bavaria,+Germany.jpgTo not understand the interconnectivity of the world's eco system *with* it's econo system, and to further be willing to throw all that away for tax-free profits - even if in the event one does understand - is imo a mis-read of this world's better positioning and of the first magnitude - where "first", here, is a re-codification of monarchy & serfs into a callousness where many other enablers are able to be understood as preener's, sucker-fish swimming along in pursuit of what has been represented as: Royal Ostentatious Exceptional-ism by any other name than what it is, handed down to man as the manna of a specious ruling elite in the form of tax free marketplace', commerce and exchange for all...if wishes were fishes, cause rather decidedly not when your undisclosed location/poster boy is Grover Norquist
Capitalism and it's tax system (some parts most assuredly so) is simply not special enough for some. All those econo-nobles standing in line at the PO waiting for 1099's and extension filings. How's that going to work? I do think Democracy is a great idea, and I do think America should try it sometime - like free market capitalism. And as an IC hooking up contracts in a very fluid world I have had my toes many times gripped tight over the cliff's edge, spitty little finger stuck into a windless night and leapt off...

And I'm
still here to submit it is not a keyed lock but a combination in a world where Capitalism is able to be seen by some as just another word for the freedom they never had: *enter* Libertarianism, has a part of 'liberty' right in it and Liberty is a Lofty Poetry and that has been a tide that raised some boats
Libertarianism, however, and in my further opinion perhaps even more freedom ill in spite. It quite nearly has to be thus by default as it attempts to tie & justify every human virtue every human kindness, every noble thought every noble pursuit down to
no taxes/'0'/none! A better idea for other reasons entirely; but no public, Libertarian war funding only a keen profiteering of it's spoils via the derivative blood, sweat, tears & tax codes of others. No expenditures for what is not deemed justifiable and so no expenditures are, ultimately, an addendum to the tax code stating: no societal responsibility either for they believing they are entitled and above all others: to some contiguous restful nights in a Fairy Castle
They are less 'artificial hiring practices' when seen as a much needed re-staffing of willfully-bush-admin-depleted oversight & regulatory apparatus' vital to the maintenance of America's Brand as an innovative force in the world - and that includes corporate war. By improving upon America's Brand after years of wanton republican neglect and Libertarian incursion; the business environment is improved. A product of that occurrence alone seems to me, is that real jobs are to follow as a result of
repairing the socio-economic neglect of Libertarian-republicanism which is why part of why the RW (and it does include Libertarians) is framing the matter in these ways: 'artificial hiring practices', it'll take real jobs to fix what they have broken
The up & downside to that is that real people need to fill them. And yes I know, if you blow your nose you're a real person; but that's not where we're going that's not where we've been. Real people able to enhance the interconnectivity, the recombinant/re-combined nature of whole socio-organic systems and not just the tax exempt edicts heard echoing through the Alps
The big picture I leave for others :)