The American public strongly supports the idea of creating a government-run health insurance plan to compete with private insurance companies in order to keep them honest.
However the public option, or as it has become to be known "Medicare for Everyone", is under attack in the U.S. Senate thanks to millions of dollars from the health insurance industry.
The health insurance industry is scared that it won't be able to compete and these corporations are lobbying hard to block the public option.
I call upon Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to allow debate and a vote on Senate Amendment 2837, the single payer amendment as introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders.
On December 10, 2009, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke to the media confirming the public option will be dropped in favor of a combination of a "nonprofit" arrangement and lowering the eligible age for Medicare to 55. The new nonprofit plan would see private insurance companies operating under the oversight of the Office of Personnel Management.
When the public option was dropped, this was and is not health care reform. The Democrats in the Senate will be putting the "fox in charge of the hen house" by allowing the health insurance industry to control health care in America, which is what we have already.
In a December 10, 2009, CNN poll, 61% of those polled oppose the Senate plan without the public option while 53% support a public health insurance option administered by the federal government. The Democrats in the Senate need to wake up and put aside the interests of the health insurance corporations and their monetary donations.
The Congress and President, past and present, have no problem spending almost $1 trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but won't allow Americans an option for real health care reform.
To date, $915.1 billion dollars have been allocated to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition to this approved amount, the FY2010 budget shows a $130 billion request for more war spending. This would bring total war spending in Iraq and Afghanistan to more than $1 trillion.
The public option, especially single payer, will help all Americans, along with small businesses, and provide true health care reform. Senator Reid and fellow Democrats don’t undercut real health care reform, allow debate and a vote on Senate Amendment 2837!
Robert Dobbs for Congress, SC-01 www.electdobbs.com