What the Bush administration really meant by "bipartisanship" is that the Democrats in Congress do nothing to stand in their way and, most especially, that Democrats recognize that there will be no looking into what the Leader has done or subjecting his Decisions to any scrutiny. We lived with the Bush meaning for eight years.
True bipartisanship means leaving ideology at the door, conducting dialogue that is straightforward and open to public view, thoroughly exploring the pros and cons of issues, and after all that, making legislative advances based on the will of the American people. Many still believe, Congress works for "we the people" but when Bush lead us like sheep to the slaughter, after 9/11, anyone with any common sense, had to know what we would be up against for years to come.
What Obama invited the nation to do, regardless of party, was to return to the basic American principles that made us strong and great over the past century and that were violated, discarded and mocked by those in power over the past eight years. This was in and of itself was a good idea, but Republicans knew they would have a tough time competing against Democrats for a long time if Obama was able to do even a third of what he promised. I have to give credit to Republicans they know how to stick together. Did Republicans rebel against Bush on any issue? I know I'm getting old and my memory is not what it once was, but I don't think they did.
Hell people in this country gave Bush 8 years...now they expect Obama to preform miracles. Everything WE say against our President will be used against him and us from now till 2012. Getting off my soap box now.......