"Amazing Spider-Man" #614 is the final part of the "Power to the People" arc which is nested inside the larger arc known as "The Guantlet." Even so, this issue stands pretty firmly on its own, setting up and then wrapping up a pretty-clear conflict between Spider-Man and Electro.
Though this ain't your daddy's Electro. Or even your Electro. This is the 2009, Glenn Beck version of the character -- a pundit of the people, raging against government abuses and greed, calling people to take to the streets in protest of the stimulus package. No, really, that's what this "Power to the People" arc is about.So this Electro -- who is the same guy as the old Electro, just
more mentally unstable and powered-up thanks to the Mad Thinker -- brings his hate and popular support amongst the easily-influenced, against Dexter Bennett, owner of "The DB" (formerly "The Daily Bugle").http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=user_review&id=1653