And their literacy skills?
I really have some doubts about this. Demanding evaluation of babies in an educational way seems a little invasive.
From the Schools Matters blog:
I'm not making this upThe LEARN Act appears to require assessment of newborn children to see if they are "developing appropriate early language and literacy skills."
(e) Local Uses of Funds-
(1) IN GENERAL- An eligible entity that receives a subgrant under this section shall use the subgrant funds consistent with the plan proposed in subsection (c) to carry out the following activities:
(C) SCREENING ASSESSMENTS AND MEASURES- Acquiring, providing training for, and implementing screening assessments or other appropriate measures to determine whether children from birth through kindergarten entry are developing appropriate early language and literacy skills.
More about the bill being proposed:
A bill to establish a comprehensive literacy program.Sen. Patty Murray
Mark Begich
Sherrod Brown
Al Franken
This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills and resolutions first go to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee. Last Updated: Dec 1, 2009 6:19AM
Literacy Education for All, Results for the Nation Act (LEARN Act) - Authorizes the Secretary of Education to award grants to states for comprehensive planning to improve the literacy of children from birth through grade 12. Directs the Secretary to award competitive grants to states to implement their comprehensive literacy plans for such children through: (1) competitive subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) or early learning programs to carry out certain high quality early literacy initiatives for children from birth through kindergarten entry; (2) competitive subgrants to LEAs or LEAs in partnership with nonprofit literacy organizations for certain initiatives to improve the literacy of students in kindergarten through grade 12, provided such LEAs have jurisdiction over a significant number or percentage of underperforming schools and serve high need areas; and (3) state activities that include providing technical assistance to subgrantees, coordinating literacy programs and resources throughout the state, disseminating information on promising literacy programs, and enhancing the credentials of literacy instructors. Gives subgrant priority to applicants serving a high number or percentage of impoverished children and, for those serving students from kindergarten through grade 12, a high number or percentage of students reading and writing below grade level. Requires the Secretary to: (1) contract with an independent organization for a five-year national evaluation of the implementation and effect of the literacy initiatives supported by this Act; and (2) provide technical assistance and information on literacy instruction to educational entities. Authorizes the Secretary to withhold this Act's funding from states and subgrantees, and states to withhold funding from subgrantees, whose initiatives are not making significant progress in improving student literacy.
I believe in education, literacy, giving children opportunity.
But somewhere in my old-fashioned mind (and just old also) there is the belief that parents have the first and foremost responsibility for their children when they are babies.
I really do want to learn more about this bill.