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Teabaggers: "Hey, Rep. Tom Periello, can you move your office so it's easier to scream at you?"

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 10:30 AM
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Teabaggers: "Hey, Rep. Tom Periello, can you move your office so it's easier to scream at you?"
Edited on Sun Dec-13-09 10:32 AM by ck4829
A Christian civil liberties organization on Thursday asked centrist Virginia Rep. Tom Perriello (D) to move his home district office to a location more favorable to protesters.

The Rutherford Institute, which was founded by conservative constitutional lawyer John W. Whitehead, penned a letter to the freshman Perriello citing the concerns of a local tea party group and the University of Virginia College Republicans that the location of his Charlottesville office interferes with their right to protest there.

"Unfortunately, it is your choice of office location that has hindered the ability of citizens to effectively communicate concerning issues of the utmost importance to you, Congress and the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia," wrote Whitehead.

Perriello has come under fire from conservatives for his vote for healthcare reform legislation in November. Protesters had lobbied his office for weeks leading up to the vote.
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MiniMe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 10:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. And he should tell them that it would be a waste of taxpayer's money
to move the office. Perhaps the teabagger's could offer to pay for the move so tax money wouldn't be spent.
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 10:55 AM
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2. Um . . They can't call and make an appointment??

Our local teabaggers here were livid when our congressman canceled his town halls in August because he was getting death threats. So then the teabaggers started complaining he wouldn't meet with his constituents. I got into it with one of them on a local blog. I asked why he didn't just call and make an appointment. He said we can't all fit in his office. I said oh, you want to stand in a crowd and YELL at him? I have found a face to face meeting accomplishes a lot more. Idiot teabagger said no he didn't want to talk to him. So I asked why are you complaining about him not meeting with you then? Idiot didn't reply.

They just want to yell and make asses of themselves. This isn't about democracy - it's about teabaggers wanting to be assholes.
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abluelady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 11:07 AM
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3. My Congressman's Office Is Hidden
so nobody can find him. Eric Cantor is a true hero!:puke:
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