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This is such horse shit!

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
blues90 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 09:20 PM
Original message
This is such horse shit!
What are we going to do here and who are we going to trust with anything?

Take just this almost year long swill with the title health Ins re-form and we know there is medicare fraud yet there is no way the patient can create the fraud and since the fraud has been known about how can it be allowed to continue on for so damn long. I
ver Pharm corps have created a good deal of the fraud yet they pay their way out of it and do it again. There is no way on earth this health Ins re-form should take this long, they are going to stir this stew until it comes out as water.

So now all of a sudden what do we need , 10,000 people watching for fraud as some sort of cabinet and this is just for health ins.

Take a look at all the crap poison that was found in cat food and human food from China , what was the legal outcome of that , I don't recall fines it just seemed to go away like a fart in the wind like everything else does.

Then there was illness by contaminated tomatos and lettuce and sprouts. Add to this all the lead in toys and much of it was done right here by still corps who carry an american name yet ship all the labor out. Add to this we have very few people who actually test these products ,certainly the corporations cannot be trusted.

The root of all of this seems to stem from the fact that corporations own our government and just about every single rep in one form or another. This is where we are supposed to put our faith and then hope?

Then we have Monsanto and all the corporations who make products that are not safe and not made here.

At this point in my life I really wonder what has not been a damn lie all along.

And here we are still in wars without an end in sight no matter what anyone says, we have heard this so many times before I can still hear the echo from 1960.

Yeah , I know I never have anything positive to say , there is no need to chime in and remind me but get the hell real.

I went to my last war protest the beginning of this month to show my distain for the escalation and there was not what I would call a crowd and certainly no local news at all that showed it.

Perhaps there should be a draft , let people who did not experience this feel what it is like wondering when that greetings notice comes in the mail without warning and go through that wonderfull draft physical such a treat that was.

But what we have now and what I see is entirely out of control and any well paid financial expert or politician can climb onto the TV screen and tell you how they see things because they are not suffering , it's easy to talk then, if they were wrong they just don't show up the next time.
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Electric Monk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 09:25 PM
Response to Original message
1. There's gotta be a pony around here somewhere...
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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 12:05 AM
Response to Original message
2. The revelations of the last 46 years seem to be coming to a peak of knowledge. The evidence has
been gathered. Those of us who have been told this - this being the words of President Dwight Eisenhower - are now seeing it played out. The truth hurts. The most hurtful in retrospect is what was done to us when we were children and is still being done to children - teaching them to love their country for all the reasons drilled into us, including the pledge and the salute. The pledge and salute to our duties, the sacrifices, and the military and endless wars.

No one taught us that we are full of secret societies that ran the show. The societies who decide our destinies while we think our country operates under the plan of balance with the emphasis on of, for, and by the people, separation of church and state, vote to get the people in office that we want and out when we are not satisfied. Always accompanied with coaching to be a good sport when our person lost.

Now the pain is in the details. Day by day we see THEIR plan unfolding. THEIR PLAN FOR US - NOT OUR PLAN FOR THEM. Secret councils, societies, foundations, corporations, think tanks, lobbyists, and multi-national behind the curtain executors.

In this century we have gone from day to day with our mouth dropping from signing statements, executive orders, broken treaties, invasions, torture, secret prisons, rendition, new interpretations of laws, sneaky wording snuck into legislation, approving arsenic, endless suicides – from farmers in India, to political mysteries, to bio-chemists – to simple soldiers to people trapped at the top of a tower, exiles, phosphorus, private military, slaughtering, destruction. The chutzpa to invade another country.

We lie, cheat, steal, kill, torture, delude, flip the country and we go on teaching the children what a great country this is. We are supposed to love the idea of creating a work force with the pay of a third world country so that there will be equanimity of pay so that the barons can make more money and our voice will shrink to nothing.

Now I cannot name them because my brain froze from the shock – but Obama has done three things in the last five days that are mind boggling – wrong, wrong, wrong.

And this is what I find for myself – they hurt a million times more than the dictums coming from Cheney-Bush because they go beyond where we left off with Cheney-Bush.

We are supposed to be repealing – not piling on. The pain is real.

We are transitioning from what to what?
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blues90 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 11:48 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. That's all true , the surreal part IS what are we transitioning into.
We just never learn and pass on that knowledge so it sticks. We are not making history , we are repeating it.
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