I have no attachment to these theories, and no intention of publishing them anywhere but DU. I am not able to do all the research myself, to formalize the theories and publish them anywhere--other than what I've already done, which has not been systematic and I have not systematized the documentation nor saved all of it. If you come up with something--an article with footnotes, or some good "finds" in the emails, or whatever, and want to publish it, feel free to do so, and maybe give a nod to me and DU. I am grateful to DU for being an open forum, and a great forum for getting information as well as for analyzing/testing theories. It might be possible for me to collaborate on an article, if you want/need a collaborator, or advise/help edit. I will PM you with some particular time-frames and questions for the email search.
I was moved to look into this so deeply because David Kelly's death grabbed me, emotionally, and I don't really know why. There are plenty of stories of great courage in the face of the Bush Junta and its dreadful crimes and wars. Maybe he touched me because he was such a straight-arrow establishment type (not unlike myself), yet somehow remained open to a radical change of viewpoint, and apparently tried to do something very courageous (and unexpected) toward the end of his career, at the cost of his life. His story is fraught with confusion, back-pedaling, trying to get out of being a hero, struggles with fear, but also devotion to his profession (science) and his work (counter-proliferation) and his family, and his country. His effort to maintain integrity and honor in the face of the vast, blood-soaked corruption of the Bush/Blair regimes is tragic. He is not an easy hero. He is a Hamlet. He was crushed by these people, for trying to see his way toward what was right.
I would like to see him vindicated. I want to see justice done. I want his murderers exposed, if he was (very likely) murdered. And it's quite possible that he is one of the greatest heroes of our era. If that is true, I want that known.
But I am also open to being entirely, or partially, wrong. The more I looked into it, the more confirmation I found of these theories, but that's as far as I could go. They are not proven and maybe can't be proven (currently, anyway). Not enough evidence.
Just want to apprize you of an alternative theory about Plame. Google "Cheney arms dealing" or "Cheney Pakistan Khan." There is quite a developed theory that the CIA counter-proliferation program stood in the way of worldwide illicit arms dealing that Cheney is involved in. In other words, the Plame/B-J outings were bigger than Iran, and maybe had nothing to do with nuking/invading Iran, but with this bigger arms scene. One big weight on the side of this theory is Cheney motivation. Is he first of all a thief and looter, driven by greed, and only secondarily a "world dominationist"? I tend to think this is true of him. Maybe he didn't want to nuke Iran but rather get CONTROL of, and PROFIT FROM, their weapons programs. Lots of US war profiteers involved in North Korea, for instance, and the same corps that sell nuke technology get big bucks for cleaning up nuke messes.
I remember thinking, when Halliburton first got huge "no bid" contracts with no requirement to produce anything: 'That's just stupid,' I thought, 'How can they expect to create the 'New American Empire' by massively looting the federal treasury, upfront?'
So maybe the "Project for a New American Century" is just window-dressing for a massive looting and plundering operation? It just uses things--like the US military--opportunistically, to gain control of very lucrative illicit markets (nuclear and conventional weapons, drugs, human traffic) as well as major resources like oil? (The Bushwhack/US "war on drugs" in Colombia sure looks like a drug lord protection racket.)
I think it's notable that the Bushwhacks are completely incompetent "nation builders," here and anywhere else, and showed NO interest in building up this country into a great war machine and manufacturing power. On the contrary, they devastated the country, the infrastructure, the manufacturing capability, the economy, the military. They are unlike Hitler in this respect. Motive is an important question. What IS their motivation, and how does it influence their crimes?
However, I think Rumsfeld (more of a "world dominationist" than a thief, as to motives and priorities) is the main perp on the Plame outings. He was on the operational end of it. Cheney was in charge of political damage control. And there are enough "signs and omens" of a clash between Rumsfeld and the military brass on nuking Iran to indicate that their "Plame problem" (and their Kelly problem?) had to do with Iran. Also, both theories could be true--the CIA was interfering with Cheney's worldwide illicit weapons dealings AND was interfering with a specific plan to use false nuke evidence as an excuse to extend the war to Iran.
On Cheney/damage control: This was a very clever tale, that the Plame outing was politically motivated--intended to punish Wilson for his dissent. And it sure looks like Cheney/Libby roped Karl Rove into it, intending for Rove to end up "holding the bag." This is the "White House war" that I've theorized was going on behind the scenes during Katrina (along with the first Daddy Bush intervention). Rove escaped Prosecutor Fitzgerald's net possibly because Rove really didn't do it. He was being used as part of Cheney's "damage control." A plausible tale, certainly--that Rove would take political revenge too far--easy to believe. A lot of people expected Rove to be indicted. But Fitzgerald instead indicted Libby, and pointed strongly to Cheney, in a press conference and documents. I recall he said something like "it's now a political problem"--i.e., impeachment of a VP is Congress' purview. Our 'Diebolded' Congresses, of course, are useless--so the problem bounced to Daddy Bush and his ISG and others (military brass, CIA, etc.), and THEY took care of the REAL problem: Rumsfeld! Fitzgerald never pointed to Rumsfeld, but that's who got ousted. It's true--if this theory is more or less correct--that Cheney got de-fanged at the same time, but Rumsfeld was the MAIN problem, precisely because of his war plan for Iran.
Weapons profiteering, vast corruption, looting the federal coffers, vast domestic spying, torture, "rendition," ripping up the Constitution and the rule of law, egregious election fraud, and slaughtering a hundred thousand innocent people with conventional forces, to steal their oil--all fine and good with our (real) national political establishment, but taking on well-defended Iran, by use of nukes, at the risk of other nuclear powers coming into it, was, quite simply, insane. It had to be stopped, and that meant that Rumsfeld had to be stopped (and Cheney--riding Rumsfeld's train to vast profits--curtailed).
One other caveat about my theories: I may be underestimating the Bushwhacks' fear of exposure of their lies about Iraq WMDs, and/or their fury at insider dissenters like Wilson and Kelly on this issue (Iraq WMDs). I felt at the time that everybody sort of knew that they were lying--even before Wilson's article. (Nearly 60% of the American people didn't trust Bush on this, and it was about 80% in England--circa Feb '03, before the invasion). The more outfront, obvious explanation of the Plame outings and Kelly's death needs to be considered--that it was intended to punish whistleblowers and stifle dissent, and was NOT part of a larger scheme to plant the weapons in Iraq and/or invade Iran.
However, if this is so, then WHY did they keep HYPING the weapons search in Iraq? That went on all summer, with constant news bits about this possible find and that possible find. If they had wanted people to forget that they'd lied, they would have downplayed the "hunt" for the weapons that they knew were not there. They did the opposite--they made it a big deal. So it almost has to be true that they were trying to plant the weapons. They had the PR all set up for the "big find."
This is one reason why I don't believe the "more outfront, obvious explanation"--that their main and only worry was being exposed as liars (and thus they punished Wilson's CIA wife and murdered Kelly). There are too many things pointing to more hidden and nefarious motives (including the extremity of their solutions--outing CIA agents, murdering an insider scientist). But we should nevertheless keep it in mind, because the motive of quashing dissent was certainly operative in the Bush regime (and Blair's regime). It may be the prime motive of SOME actors (or of the main actors at certain points), but it may also lead down side roads to nowhere. As with Rove, this motive (quashing dissent) is too easy to believe. Did Rumsfeld really care about some op-ed in the New York Times, or some anonymous rumblings in England on the BBC? Did Cheney? I don't think so. I think they were looking at a far worse problem, for them, than being caught lying.