To; All commanders in the field.
Your mission is to go into the cities where there is homelessness and despair and raise a non- violent revolutionary army to take back this country. Literally. Our strategy is to remove these people that are in danger by virtue of being homeless and hungry from the situation that they face in their community to a rural piece of farm land now owned by corporations so that they can build a home for themselves and have access to food and shelter.
All recruits to the NVRA must be well trained in the non-violent methods of Gandhi and King and instructed in the idea that this is a new way to fight a war, one of peace and love, but one that does not co-operate with evil.
Our cause is just….people do have the rights guarantied by the constitution to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that those rights cannot be had in their present system in which they are trapped. And that any legal claim to the land is challenged by the NVRA and laid claim to by it’s individual members. Good luck and yes we can.
Your (imaginary) Commanding General
In case you did not get it, I just made this all up.