So my wife's son brings over the movie Zeitgeist.
It was an interesting sort of spew-age. Needless to say, it was heavy in the Libertarian side of things.
What I am slowly discovering is something more interesting. Her son, 23, a good guy, smart, but not intellectually curious. When I asked him were he gets his info sources, he stated, "I don't really read much and get most of my info from you guys (my wife and myself) and from people I meet at work. He works in retail. This left me a bit wondering. So I asked him, how he feels about the state of things in society and the world.
His reply basically is: we are fucked. Environmentally, politically, societal, etc.
I saw him go through his teen years, misplaced angst, wanting to be part of something, but not knowing where to start. Pretty typical stuff.
Now he's into the conspiracy issues. Alex Jones, Zeitgeist, etc. When I point out various issues with the movie, he got very defensive. Also typical of his age, basically saying in so many words, "You are old, you don't know", yet he looks to us for information.
Much as myself at that age, I wanted to be part of something larger than myself. Why, haven't the foggiest idea. Genetic? I don't know.
But I do notice that he loves to text A LOT. Some months ago he stated, "I couldn't find it possible to be without my phone".
I thought that very sad.
Now, I don't know many people his age other than his friends, which are varied, but they do have many similarities. They all text obsessively, they are all down on politics and any hope for the future. But they don't even wish to try to attempt to change things, choosing instead to complain and continuing to watch these various Libertarian/Alex Jones movies.
So playing devils advocate, I asked, "well, since you find Alex Jones interesting, have you tried contacting him to see if you can perhaps, help him or try to organize like he does?" (Granted I think Alex Jones represents a perfect example of the broken clock theory, but I digress). He just mumbled something about not wanting to be on the governments radar.
We are bearing witness to a generation that will not do better than previous generation. But more so, they are being controlled via these pitchmen of societies ills and aren't even aware of it. They willing live under the belief that they are being listened to, being watched and are on some list, because as much as these pitchmen sell their paranoid power trips, they are do nothing to empower people to do something about it, other than scream with a bullhorn some half-assed crap. That's not power, that's spectacle.
Yes, there are young people out there that are inspired to do things, to try and make a difference, that attempt to change the voice of the world in small local ways, but sadly, I honestly believe, there is a huge portion of our youth, like my wife's son, that base their opinions and feelings on the ramblings of fringe nuts that spout their version of the "truth".
These detractors target the small but growing segment of society that feels powerless, apathetic and disengaged.
These societal snake oil salesmen know their audience well and target them specifically.
They know perfectly well that the landscape of our society is going through a massive upheaval. These salesmen, telling the "truth", are nothing more than the predecessors of what is to come.
The slow erosion society, doesn't happen with it's public works, its infrastructure, it happens with its youth.
There are no more heroes. Where are the MLK's, the Armstrong's, the Elanor Roosevelt's? the Gandhi's, the Einsteins? Who does the youth of today have to hold up as a societal beacon of change, a voice for their generation? Tiger woods?
I hit upon something last night regarding Obama and the concept of heroes.
How does the government destroy a hero? Simple. Elect him or her to office. Once apart of the machine, they slowly and even begrudgingly, become a part of it. Thus destroying a voice that could have upset the apple cart.
There is this sense of aimlessness, a lack of foundation from which to build, an emptiness of voice to lead. So as a result, not just the youth, but across the generational divide, of a want for a leader. A person with a strong voice. A self sacrificer. A guiding voice of reason that is not a part of the machine. This, sadly, gives rise to the demagoguery of none-politicians, fringe elements and tv people. Because they are the only ones who have a "voice" to express their "opinions". Regardless of the fact that they are really just extensions of the corporations that own them.
We all lament here on DU, were are the RFK's? Were are the Malcolm X's? They don't exist anymore. They have been replaced by the false profits of TV news spokes models, dullards and failed candidates.
No longer is it about the words, it's all about fame, status and image. How many countless times have we heard something so stupid and inane spewed out by the tv talking heads, only to have it repeated to us verbatim the very next day by someone who then quotes it as fact?
We live in a society of misinformation, misdirection and misdeeds.
We no longer, generally speaking, have a voice to ourselves. No more critical thought, no more fact checking and certainly no more apologies when the lies spoken are, well, lies.
The general; WE, no longer needs to understand these things. We want a leader, a speaker and feeler who talks to our inner and outer child. Who is like us, who we can drink a beer with, who doesn't deal in complicated thinking, and "tells things like it is".
We, us, are so far down the rabbit hole that we are so willing to grasp at straws to get us through the night, to help us express our colossally misplaced anger, that we will take just about anyone to be that mouth piece.
AS a result, we all hip hip hooray for improvements! Then get wildly depressed when we find, like always, that the devil is in the details. We realize that we were had one again. Sadly, this seems to be happening more and more often, doesn't it?
We are so lacking in that firm hand of guidance that allows the little guy a voice and a fair shake, that we are splintering as a society. Is this an accident?
Is this the reaction that the Neo-cons wanted? I believe so. In boxing or any contact sport, as long as you keep your opponent off balance you are usually assured a win.
They do not look upon us as the masses they were elected to serve, we are their opponent.
And we are massively off balance.