how do you explain this from this site;
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Today I learnt about "" after I found out it latches onto my PRIVATE e-mail software called 'Outlook Express'.
Company founder of Akamai Technologies was an Israeli called Daniel C. Lewin C. Lewin was also a Captain In 'Sayeret Matkal' (A Israeli Unit Of 'Counter Terrorism - Anti Hijacking Commandos)
Daniel C. Lewin was the only Israeli onboard a flight (11) on 9/11 - This is probably his Jewish accented (not that Arab Atta) voice heard on Flight 11 here calming folks down... understand Akamai Technologies and their "" the easy way, remove that junk ZoneAlarm firewall and install 'SunBelt' firewall.'SunBelt' firewall (in advanced mode) will show/ask you, if you would like "" to operating in the background overseeing your activities while using services like svhost.exe, 'Outlook Express" e-mail software etc.
Zone Alarm doesn't inform you about those extra connections = JUNK!
Shortly after 9/11, main stream news reported Israeli companies have a strangle hold over Americans communications. up...
* If you value your privacy, you don't need some foreign company latching onto your e-mail you? Did they ask you first if it was OK that they tie themselves onto your "Outlook Express?
* ZoneAlarm and XP firewalls are junk!!! - And so are any other firewalls that don't show you ALL the sub connections each program is running in the background to the outside world...uninstall them and use something that shows all inward and outward connections by ip/url
* If your see any url's come up linking your private data to ""...BLOCK IT!!!!!!!!!