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HCR: the failure of America's political class and its wealthy members

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
dusmcj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 12:19 AM
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HCR: the failure of America's political class and its wealthy members
Edited on Tue Dec-15-09 12:21 AM by dusmcj
looking at it the HCR evolution has provided a laboratory lesson in how America's acquisition of a political class, and specifically its current monopoly on access to political office and more broadly political power, is destroying this country. These folks are no different in their effects than the most corrupt oligarchs in Russia. Felcherman's antics showing he can play hardball if challenged are just confirmation of that. "No one else gives the public interest first priority, so I don't have to either." We'll see.

There has always been a political class, in fact their latest absence from the scene was caused by the failure they created in 1929, which led to the Depression and a strange popularization of socialism in this land of rugged individualism where men are strong, sheep are nervous, and wives are forgiving.

The difference now is that they have a virtual monopoly on access to political power. Many elected legislators in particular, as well as officials in the executive branch, are millionaires. Those who are not are beholden to party machines run by those who are. If you're not compromised, chances are that you're from a poor and irrelevant district of little interest to power holders with a constituency poor enough to see the bullshit behind the old liberal lie that if you play along then someday you might be rich too.

This condition is a threat to the structure of this nation. Its effects in terms of economic, social and environmental destabilization constitute a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States. It's time for those statesmen who still exist in government and in the public to avail themselves of the legal structures built into our governmental framework and neutralize it. Nothing will happen to the perpetrators, they just won't be rich or powerful anymore. Awwww. Bu-bye.
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trthnd4jstc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 12:43 AM
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1. Imagine Time Money
I have been having some doubts about Republic Forms of Government, which makes saying the Pledge of Allegiance a contemplative activity for me. I believe that Direct Democracy is superior to a Republican Form of Government. Our Federal Government is not even very much a Democratic Republic, and unfortunately is more like a Fascist Republic, Representing the Cooperation of our Government with the Large Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex. If we had True Democracy, the People would have to behave more rationally, and we would immediately eliminate the American Political Class, and Good Riddance to those Selfish, Greedy, Slimy, Traitors!!! Republicanism allows the People to not be directly responsible for their governments actions. Direct Democracy makes every Citizen Responsible for His or Her Actions. Which is better?

Unfortunately, with NAFTA, China as Most Favored Nation, All Sorts of Tolerated Crony Capitalism, including the Deregulation of Banking and Insurance, Most of our Political Class have failed the American People and Failed to Support the Constitution, for which they pledged an Oath To Defend!

If we are to have a better Country we Need a Just Economic System. I believe that making an Hour Of Labor as a medium of Exchange we would be on the road to economic recovery. The Government can Print Greenbacks, and pay them to businesses so that we can pay our employees. There is not a limit on the amount of Work that Our Country Needs To Have Performed. There is a limit on the amount of Money to Pay Labor to perform these Tasks!
The Rich and the Establishment Democrats, not the Progressive Pragmatists, such as Dennis Kucinich, are absolutely against a monetary system based on an Hour of Labor being a Medium of Exchange. Our Government Should be Printing and Controlling the Value of Currency. If We had Time Money we could help make our Economic System more egalitarian. This will increase the Peoples' Sense of Justice being Performed by Their Government. Also Time Money will Pay People for their Economic Value. This is the path to a more perfect union.

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