This is old news, but a new point of view I never thought about.
From 'His Vorpal Sword' blog:
Here’s Your Monday News, Early
Gee, you don’t suppose this timing is totally accidental, do you? Why OF COURSE it is!
Using the Greasemonkey Firefox plugin, “Memeorandum Colors” where red are conservative linkers and blue are liberal linkers, note the color scheme on this “big story”:
Golly. Where are all the lefty bloggers? (Donklephant is NOT a blue blog, BTW). The other ones, the ones without color are ALSO conservablogs, almost without exception.
Look: this was exactly the same thing that happened with the Van Jones takedown; it was exactly the same thing that happened with the ACORN story (and CONTINUES to happen on the ACORN story).
So, bluebelly bloggers: where the hell ARE you?
Where are the big mouths of the Left: where is the ever-pontificating Arianna Huffington? Where is the would-be kingmaker, Jane Hamsher? Where is David Sirota? The Brad Blog? Where is TPM Cafe? Where is Daily Kos? Atrios? Balloon Juice? Where is ideological chameleon Andrew Sullivan? And so on and so forth …
You get the idea.
If you’re not willing to pay any attention to the most dastardly (and transparent) attempt to derail an issue that the majority of Americans (and a huge number of the world’s industrial nations) agree HAS to be addressed, then you need to get out of the blogosphere to make way for actual, COMPETENT bloggers.
This is embarrassing; this is shamefully self-indulgent and willfully blind.
This is what I’ve been talking about. The Al Gore protest in Portland last week was part and parcel to this. The whole stealth slime machine is in its fullest flowering since Monicagate, and NONE of these bastards, my ideological “allies” on the left, not ONE of these purblind nitwits is present.
After 30 years of trying to get a Democratic congress and a Democratic White House, these bluebelly blogs are AWOL.
Thanks, you bastards. On behalf of a generation unborn, thanks for dropping the ball right on the goal line, and thanks for not covering up.
And tomorrow, mark my words, THIS will be the story.
Not like you weren’t warned. is obviously pissed. Where is the next wave nobody is prepared for coming from?