Barbara Ehrenreich ("Nickel and Dimed") on C-SPAN now 8:40 am EST.
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Tue Dec-15-09 08:41 AM
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Barbara Ehrenreich ("Nickel and Dimed") on C-SPAN now 8:40 am EST. |
Discussing "U.S. Economy". Calls, sad stories coming in.
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Tue Dec-15-09 08:46 AM
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1. On healthcare "reform": "I can almost not bear to watch this debate." Public option, everything to |
help regular people cut costs stripped away, one by one.
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Tue Dec-15-09 09:33 AM
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2. Was the whole "debate" over HCR even about us? |
or was it just another big pay day for the many many many politicians who take corporate donations from the health insurance industry?
Who is the winner in all of this? Not us. It's the insurance corps. They don't have any competition, they now will have an additional 40+ million suckers to bilk and those who don't pay up and become part of this legalized debt health slavery will have the police on their ass.
This was never about us.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:22 PM
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