Some things are just going to be scary, no matter what. And I was plenty scared this weekend. I found myself in the emergency room, with symptoms indicative of a heart attack. After an EKG and three nitro pills that reduced the pain I was admitted to the cardiac care unit. I got another EKG, was wired up to a monitoring system, put on an IV, had six tubes of blood drawn. And, since I'm not a suitable candidate for a treadmill stress test, I was given the chemical version wherein the heart rate is accelerated while echo pictures are taken of the heart.
The good news is that my heart is just fine. The doctors said that there are a number of possible sources for the symptoms, the task now is to find out what caused this. The beginning of the new year will be taken up with that task. In the meantime, I'm thrilled that I don't have to cancel my travel plans for spending Christmas with my family. And THAT is a gift.