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Petland (roseville, ca) Closes on Heels of News10 Puppy Mill Investigation

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 02:40 PM
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Petland (roseville, ca) Closes on Heels of News10 Puppy Mill Investigation
Petland Closes on Heels of News10 Puppy Mill Investigation

ROSEVILLE - Twenty people are out of a job after the Petland store in Roseville abruptly closed Monday.

The store is at the center of a News10 investigation that looks into claims that puppies sold at the store came from so-called Puppy-mills.

But, Petland claims the closure is because of the economy. A sign is posted on the door of the business that reads "Due to Economic Downturn Petland is Closing Effective 12/14/09."

Animal rights groups have protested the store since it opened a year ago and groups like the SPCA have said that Petland allegedly buys its dogs from puppy-mills, where animals are bred under inadequate conditions.

Nancy McDonald of Rocklin said, "Anytime a business closes it's not a good thing, but in the case of Petland it's bringing a lot of puppy mill dogs into our community allegedly and I just felt like it was long overdue."
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Kceres Donating Member (839 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 02:59 PM
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1. We rescued our aussie/heeler mix from a Petland in CO. before it went out of business.
She was born deaf and they were going to euthanize her. A definite puppy mill puppy. That was ten years ago and we still have her and love her dearly. Point though: Petland is not a nice place for dogs they use irresponsible breeders and kill the pups that are considered "flawed."
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