A pretty good read. blue aardvark makes a pretty good attempt at putting all the emotions aside and getting back to reason.
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/12/15/814566/-Why-are-we-all-so-stupidDisgusting he may be, but I think we have to live with him. Nuking Joe Lieberman as long as he has any utility on any legislation is stupid.
And it is not just Joe Lieberman that makes the public option impossible. There are 40 Republicans in the Senate, and 95% of them are adamantly against the bill. I see a lot of statements that the Democrats aren't getting anything done, and therefore there is no reason to support Democrats. Let us review some policies that people here care about:
1.Jobs. Remember the GOP voting in a bloc against the stimulus? 0 in the House, I think 1 in the Senate. If you think things are bad now, let me (and Paul Krugman, and the CBO) assure you they would be much worse without the stimulus. And there would be much less hope for next year, too. Do you care about the unemployed? Then not supporting Democrats in 2010 is stupid.
2.Climate change. Government scientists no longer have to lie in their published work. We are acknowledging that the problem exists. Compare to Jame Inhofe. Do you care about saving the planet? Then not supporting Democrats in 2010 is stupid.
3.DADT / DOMA. These are acts of Congress. The GOP will never repeal them, ever. Do you care about LGBT issues? Then not supporting Democrats in 2010 is stupid.
4.War. Don't like President Obama's Afghan policy? Do you think a GOP majority in the House or Senate will change it for the better? The only reason they would change it is to deliberately sabotage it to make the President fail. Do you care about the war? Then not supporting Democrats in 2010 is stupid.
5.Taxes. The GOP still thinks Reagan was an economic genius. They still think that cutting taxes on rich people is the key to economic growth. Do you care about income inequality? Then not supporting Democrats in 2010 is stupid.
6.Regulation of Wall Street. The House bill recently passed is far from perfect. Did you notice the great ideas contributed by the GOP? I didn't see any. In fact, they still blame the crash on CNRA, despite the obvious absurdity. Do you care about regulating Wall Street? Then not supporting Democrats in 2010 is stupid.
7.Supreme Court justices. President Obama will get to appoint more judges, probably including SCOTUS. Remember Sonia Sotomayor? Then not supporting Democrats in 2010 is stupid.