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The Truth About Tamiflu

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
RufusTFirefly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 04:13 PM
Original message
The Truth About Tamiflu
Gee, I'm shocked.

Wonder if this guy had anything to do with it.

The Truth About Tamiflu

Has the U.S. wasted $1.5 billion on an ineffective drug?

by Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer

Two months ago, we pointed out in our story on flu in The Atlantic that the antiviral drug Tamiflu might not be as effective or safe as many patients, doctors, and governments think.


Now it looks as if our concerns were correct, and the nation may have put more than a billion dollars into the medical equivalent of a mirage. This week, the British medical journal BMJ published a multi-part investigation that confirms that the scientific evidence just isn’t there to show that Tamiflu prevents serious complications, hospitalization, or death in people that have the flu. The BMJ goes further to suggest that Roche, the Swiss company that manufactures and markets Tamiflu, may have misled governments and physicians. In its defense, Roche stated that the company “has never concealed (or had the intention to conceal) any pertinent data.”


In the meantime, two former employees of Adis International, a large communications company, came forward with documents showing they had ghostwritten some of the published studies of Tamiflu. One of the ghostwriters told the BMJ, “The Tamiflu accounts had a list of key messages that you had to get in. It was run by the (Roche) marketing department and you were answerable to them. In the introduction . . . I had to say what a big problem influenza is. I’d also have to come to the conclusion that Tamiflu was the answer.”

The Truth About Tamiflu

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Hannah Bell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 04:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. "science"
"What’s more, neither the CDC nor the FDA has demanded the types of scientific studies that could definitively determine whether or not the company’s claims are true: that Tamiflu reduces the risk of serious complications and saves lives.

Nancy Cox, who heads the CDC’s flu program, told us earlier this year she opposes a placebo-controlled study (in which one half of patients would be given Tamiflu and the other half would be given Tamiflu and the other half would be given placebo), because the drug’s benefits are already proven."

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FiveGoodMen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 04:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Barnum's watch was fast
There's really a sucker born every second.
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