Yes indeedy, if you want to stay in reasonably good health and stay away from the doctor, the old sayings come alive. "Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think," another good one. As a senior, so far I am blessed with good health. A catastrophe of some sort is only a hiccup away and then what? I can go to the hospital, but I won't be able to afford the doctors/surgeons or what ever meds they decide to prescribe. If they find cancer then well, go home, clean my closets out and call the funeral director to make arrangements for "down the road."
Quit smoking, drinking, rich foods, and in general fold up in the fetal position with some good pain killers. I'm having a very bad day with what I had looked forward to being at least a reasonable and affordable health care bill. I agree with Dr. Dean. Scrap this crap and start over. After reading some of the proposed costs for these insurance premiums I started to laugh. The thing is, people pay into these exorbitant priced insurance and receive very little in return. What should be a minimum stay of 5-7 days in hospital will have you out in 2 days. Not a happy camper here, gonna find me a crate of apples and hope for the best.