"The American people are worried about the high costs"
What the people are worried about is the butt fucking their wallets take at the ..... uh .... hands of the Bigs: Pharma, Med, Insure, Etc. Some high level, intense explanations might have helped them understand. Don't believe that? They believed the teabaggers (a highly organized, very targeted, very well executed political STRATEGY that proved very effective in shaping the debate). They might have believed us if we tried to speak. Sadly, there was zero leadership and no strategy.
"We didn't have the votes"
We very well could have if there had been some actual leadership a year ago. Standing in the kids' bedroom doorway after a fight and telling them to "work it out and don't come to supper until you have" is not effective parenting and is a perfect analogy for the health care strategy that got us here.
"There's not enough support for a robust public option"
The very term "robust public option" is a clever obfuscation at best. It is a weasel phrase to imply something but define nothing. Yet it became the focus of the debate. Thinking people might ask how that happened? Luck? Chance? I bet not. This administration was a message **machine** during the campaign. When it came time to deliver .... not so much. Single payer is, as **every thinking person**, including all members of Congress, knows, the singularly most effective way to efficiently deliver health care. It was NEVER championed by anyone in power. Not Once. It was killed before it was born ..... by OUR SIDE. Yeah, we all know that "he never said he wanted single payer". What he said was he wanted the best health care for America. What do YOU think that is if not single payer?
"We don't have the votes II"
We could have if someone took to the bully pulpit and pointed out who, or who's wife, was on the payroll of what insurance company. What might happen to the person who did that? Not get reelected? Cowardice is the opposite of ACTUALLY facing down the corruption in government. What does one have to lose when one has attained the highest level of power IN THE WORLD? That would have been some real change .... for a change.
Yeah, yeah, yeah ...... I have heard it all. And I'm not buying it. Are there excuses YOU don't want to hear?
I bet there are.
Add them to this thread.