Senator Kirk and Senator Burris.
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Wed Dec-16-09 08:10 AM
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Senator Kirk and Senator Burris. |
I'll be calling these 2 Senators today asking them to consider "killing the bill". They are both not running next term and have "nothing to lose", so to speak. I'm in MA so i'll also be calling Senator Kerry, Rep John Olver and Rep Capuano.
Then i'll be calling Senator Reid's office. I'll be quoting Governor Dean.
Who are you calling today?
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Wed Dec-16-09 08:13 AM
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1. I've already contacted Senators Leahy and Sanders asking them |
to vote against this legislation.
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Wed Dec-16-09 08:14 AM
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2. I've already called Burris'office |
His office says the Senator stands by what he's been saying for the last four months.
I am from Illinois
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Wed Dec-16-09 08:33 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. has he wavered at all? |
When you say "what he's been saying", what exactly has he been saying?
Just wanting to see if he left himself wiggle room...
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Thu Dec-17-09 02:25 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. He has said consistantly for the last six months |
No public option he will support a filibuster against the bill
I paraphrased what they said on the phone, I do forget that not everybody is from Illinois and his position tends to get marginalized by the media because he is (to be honest) fairly damaged goods because of how he got the seat.
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Wed Dec-16-09 08:18 AM
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3. Quoted Dean in an email to Specter yesterday |
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Wed Dec-16-09 08:50 AM
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5. I called Specter yesterday. |
I also asked him to remove Joe Lieberman from his chairmanship.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:19 PM
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