I really want to not be angry or bitter or negative about HCR. I really don't. I've said all along that while I want a public option of some sort, that I would be happy with some solid industry reform. I have a very sick 3 year old son so I have been through the health care and the insurance ringer and while we've been lucky so far, we've also gotten screwed in some ways, and have had to witness some heartbreaking things amongst the people we've encountered being in and out of hospitals. So since I know there are a lot of people on here advocating that while the bill isn't perfect that it will reform the system.....o.k. help me understand how because I think these things are important but with all the conflicting yelling going on I haven't seen how it will work.
-Not Denying because of pre-existing conditions: Important. Incredibly important. I know it's in both the senate and the house bill, but how will it be enforced? What are the penalties?
-Not dropping people's coverage when they get sick: Again, important. Incredibly important. Again, how will it be enforced? Who will do the enforcing?
-Ban on lifetime caps: Great. Wonderful. As someone whose son is, at 3 years old 40% on the way to his lifetime cap, this one hits close to home. But as with the other posts on the subject, this loophole allowing annual caps pretty much negates this. Yesh I know supposedly Obama wants it out, but it hasn't yet been taken out and he's wanted a lot of things that got tossed out or not changed.
What did I miss? What are the other benefits? I'm not someone who wants to be cynical or angry or upset and I've read enough people whose work and opinion I respect telling me that this bill even in it's watered down form will help a lot of people. And if the above 3 things have teeth then I agree. But my concern is that with mandates and without enforcement and without a clear and concise method of recourse for people to contest and pursue action when these things happen that it's not going to be effective.
Please don't flame me on either side. Especially the side who are advocating to kill the bill because if anything I'm already in that camp and already leaning in that direction. I'm just trying for some optimism here and trying to hear the other side in something other than the shouting.