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Perhaps Liberals in senate should use the fillibuster to their advantage

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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 05:40 PM
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Perhaps Liberals in senate should use the fillibuster to their advantage
I dislike the fillibuster, but if it's here maybe liberal senators who would be counted on to ordinarily support a democratic president should tell President Obama they will oppose his overall legislative goals on other issues unless he shows spine on health care. They should insist that he supports a Public Option/ Medicare buy-in for the health care bill and tells the Republicrats to fuck off and let a strong bill be considered and if they want to join the GOP and fillibuster it--go right ahead. I think it would be good to see the GOP and Lieberman scum fillibuster a STRONG BILL. They should also insist that Harry Reid keep the senate in session over the Christmas/New Years holiday to accomodate them.

At this point I would rather lose on a strong health care bill than give in to the Lieberscum and win on a weak bill.

My two cents.
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polichick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 05:42 PM
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1. Amen. k&r
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Oregone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 05:43 PM
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2. Ive been saying this for some time
What if they threw some single-payer bill together that they threw together 51 votes for (or maybe catastrophic single-payer, no premiums, auto-enrollment).

Then, force the fillibuster and use that to slaughter the Republicans in 2010

Now, if they lose this, the Republicans look like heros for killing a shitty bill. If they win, they look like assholes for passing a shitty bill with mandates
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