LIke the man said "it's hard work". And I think he was right. I mean it can't be easy selling your soul on a daily basis. It can't be easy to compromise with people who hate you, only to have them hate you more, and then because you sold out the people who stood up for you, have them pissed at you too. Man that is some seriously hard work right there. Hell those guys fixing my roof in 30 degree weather today have nothing on you hard working folks..
Did Democrats really think that we are as stupid as the Freeper sheep who got behind any and everything Bush did? Did they really think that we wouldn't use the same bullshit detector on them that we used on Bush? Did they really think that they could sell us down the river and we would smile and thank them and then ask for more?
You know, the thing that really pisses me off, that really irks me, that really gets under my skin? It's the fact that they talk to me like Bush talked to the freepers. Then they expect me to jump in line like the freepers. You want to fuck me over? Fine. But quit insulting my intelligence
You fuck me over and then send me an e-mail asking me for donations to help fuck me over more? You better call Steven fucking Spielberg because the shark that the Fonz jumped over was abput guppy sized compared to the great white you assholes are attempting to clear...