I can see myself supporting a lot of Primary challenges around the country.
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Wed Dec-16-09 06:54 PM
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I can see myself supporting a lot of Primary challenges around the country. |
You know, it will probably be just five or ten bucks at a time so I can make sure to spread it around as much as possible but I can certainly see myself sending money to those who challenge Democrats who have abandoned us on the Health Care Insurance issue.
I'm not about to abandon the Democratic Party, but I am dam sure going to abandon DINOs in favor of anyone who wants to run against them in the Primary and tells me they intend to act likely they have a pair in standing up for what I consider to be Democratic issues. I'm sick and tired of the cowardly 'dogs we have to put up with now and it won't bother me a bit to send money out of state if will come back to bite their blue asses.
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Wed Dec-16-09 07:02 PM
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1. I'll work hard in the primaries to get the people that I want into the general election |
However if those who I support don't make it to the generals, then I'm not blindly voting for the Democrat just because they have a D behind their name. Sorry, but I'm tired of getting bipartisanly screwed just so Democrats can claim some sort of victory while slipping we the people a knife in the back time and again.
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Sat Dec-19-09 08:25 AM
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2. democracy is good for the blood |
and when a primary is done right, it strengthens the debate and improves the candidate.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:37 PM
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