That's my question and that's what I think more than any one individual thing ticks me off. And it's the one thig I'd like the optimists to be able to console me on.
I'm not naive. I know change takes time. I know change is incremental and sometimes slow. I know that it's about negotiation and give and take, even when it's one sided. And I know that our country has historically struggled with and failed at many larger issues at much more unsure and tumultuous times (although it's getting close to not being many more worse). I am well aware of all those things and try to keep them in mind.
What's killing me (mostly on healthcare at the moment but on a lot of other things as well) is.......isn't this as good as it's ever going to get? Is there any reason to believe otherwise? Does anyone honestly believe that we at any point will have more power than the White House, a sizable majority in the house, and more senate Dems than we have now? Does anyone believe we'll ever have more good will and momentum on our side than we did in the first few months of this year after everyone was sworn in and republicans were at their lowest and the whole country was looking for and hoping for a better way and were so willing to give "us" a chance?
Because I can't fathom any way that is the case. If we passed really great legislation that most people believed was really going to help people, and even in the most frustrating moments we were able to take a deep breath and believe that in due time what we were doing would make things better for enough people then maybe. But on arguably the 3 biggest things worked on so far (the stimulus, Afghanistan, and Healthcare), even at top dollar best the most optimistic people on here and elsewhere can muster is that these were "good" moves or "o.k." moves or "practical" moves that stopped the bleeding or prevented things in those areas from getting worse. But nobody at any point in what should arguably be our moment of showing the country and the world what even slightly left of center values and approaches can do, that I can see is saying "This is great. This is what we've worked for and we're doing it."
I don't want to fight any more. I don't want to argue. I'd just really like to know if there's anyone out there who really believes that there's any point where this is going to get better?