The glimpses of it that have reached the surface have been the campaigns against gay marriage. The amount of money and groups behind this virulent movement is astonishing. The given reason that gay marriage will be a detriment to heterosexual marriage is nonsensical. It is a stalking horse for the real move against the gay community itself. The hate engendered by the antigay marriage groups is attached not just to marriage, but also to homosexuals.
This isn't a sudden change of direction. It is a calculated move by the Christian Right to continue an anti-gay agenda. It has been going on for years right under our noses.
Please read the article at this link:
Palin's Church Promotes Gay Conversion The first part is about Palin's ties to this movement, but the second part is a report on this movement based on 3 years of research. It was issued TEN years ago.
Now there is a confluence of events that has finally hit the mainstream.
1-Palin's ties to this movement. She has become a potent political force because of her VP candidate status.
2-Uganda's open move to legalize killing gays.
3-The C Street connection to Uganda, and its history of involvement there.
4-The connection of some members of Congress to C Street. Some of them have also been openly going to Uganda.
5-The involvement of Rick Warren and his huge network of pastors in Uganda.
6-The lack of condemnation of killing gays legally by Warren, C Streeters, and others. There have been a lot of people and groups that have remained strangely silent or were tardy in their condemnation besides those mentioned.
7-The Teapissers main clown Jim DeMint calling the gay lifestyle immoral.
8-The inclusion of Bishop Harry Jackson and that other hateful speaker (the name escapes me, but not the hate)in the Teamugger Rally.
9-The killing of gays in Iraq and Iran without much of a notice by anyone in power.
10-The proposal in Rwanda to criminalize homosexuality.
There are probably many more items I have missed.
Rachel Maddow is a lone voice in the MSM wilderness trying to point this out.
This does not bode well.
I also think Africa has been a chosen spot by the haters to get a movement started because they don't believe the press will highlight it. They are also preying on the people there who may or may not have an intolerance for gays. If they do, then it is ramped up. If they don't, then one is introduced.
What is next?