I grew up watching Disney movies where the Prince would always pick the girl who worked hard and did the right thing. I grew up watching the Wicked Witch of the West melt and her flying monkeys cheer when they were finally released from her oppression. I grew up watching the hero ride in on a white horse.
What a crock. What a total crock.
Democrats, we gotta realize that karma isn't going to save us. If it does, we won't live long enough to see it. Karma takes a long ass time to arrive. I don't know about you, but I need health insurance right now. Waiting for karma or the ying to meet the yang and everything to balance out is driving me nuts.
I am watching and listening and remember the girl I used to be, back when I believed in heroes and princes and white horses. I used to believe that everyone around me was operating like me, from a sense of altruism. It's only through a few really painful experiences that I've become someone who doesn't get eaten alive anymore. Looking at the people around me as potential predators who want to eat me isn't the way I want to be. But it is the way I have to be.
Or in the end, I get eaten.