Yeah, that's a call out and yeah I have other favorites ... his name's just fun to say.
It's a call out of the Best of DU, believe it or not, you swim-with-the-sharks Easterners and you any-way-the-wind-blows Westerners: the great big middle, that ain't "Centrist," that knows what time it is, that don't fit the cliches and Luntz-button focus fixating; that knew if we didn't find out who killed Kennedy we was screwed; that knows which side their bread's buttered on; that don't need all the accoutrements of demographics to know EXACTLY who they are and what they're about and be some of the most lucid. genuine. appreciated. humble. honest. observant voices on DU.
One common thread they have is not the down home cliche I am presenting them with here, but a sense of HISTORY.
Values that aren't for sale.