Jonathan Turley
The executive director of the Arizona GOP, Brett Mecum, 30, is embroiled in a bizarre criminal investigation where a woman has accused him of using the “Voter Vault” system to track her down in Phoenix. She is a young Republican and a former volunteer for John McCain.
The woman says that Mecum showed up uninvited at her Phoenix home and, when confronted, he told her that he asked a staffer to find her in the voter data base.
Turley points out that Mecum got arrested for speeding last year. For this stalking case, he cites
Talking Points Memo, which cites the
Huffington Post. The CBS station in Phoenix also has a
report on this situation.
Of all the people who could've stalked her...the director of the Family Values Party? Wow, this surely makes Sen. David Vitter (client to that whore DC Madam), Rush Limbaugh (former drug addict), Bill Bennett (admitted to a gambling problem), and Sen. John Ensign (cheated on his wife with a lobbyist) look really virtuous in comparison! :rofl:
Earlier this month, former Missouri Speaker of the House Rod Jetton, a Republican, was
charged with assaulting a woman. Jetton
received an award from Eagle Forum in 2003. Eagle Forum's founder, Phyllis Schlafly, once">said, "By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape," and
also "I think that when you get married you have consented to sex. That’s what marriage is all about, I don’t know if maybe these girls missed sex ed."
This made my day. Thanks Turley!