Edited on Thu Dec-17-09 07:15 PM by PCIntern
What do the Republicans have on Joe Lieberman? Nine years ago, in his debate with Cheney, I kept asking my wife, "Why doesn't he get mad? Everyone else with a brain in the country is mad. Why isn't he?" It was a positively courteous love-fest between the two...
Couldn't figure it out...
Then during the Recount of 2000, he just kept his cool, even had run for his seat in the Senate 'just in case', right...WTF did HE know, and when did he know it. Cool as a cucumber, he didn't even sweat a drop when he was denied the Vice-Presidency, just stood there calmly and smiling....
Then he formed that lovely group of Democrats for McCain or what-the Hell-ever it was called prior to the 2008 election and spoke at their frigging Convention for crying out loud...
Perusing his biography on that stellar site, Wikipedia, it occurred to me that his in no way resembles the Lieberman of Old. Or maybe he does, and he was the stealth Senator from New England.
Perhaps, as a friend of mine suggested, they should move Yucca Mountain Nuclear Depositary Site to Connecticut in "honor" of the man's legislative accomplishments.
Another college buddy of mine who lives near the Senator thinks Joe's a "real nice guy when you get to know him." For the first time in 39 years of knowing this guy, I called him a "putz deluxe" and he got mad. Too bad.