in absentia to condemn our ignorant selves more demonic than Islam, most assuredly even me; release your Holy Vengeance upon us, that's right: us! We the very people that have been twisting your Holy Words ad nausea-um and in contravention of Holy Scripture Itself till they, Your Words, mean nothing even to Your Holy Self (assuming you have a self) least of all us, including me - pray with us Oh Lord, pray
for us Oh Lord, pray *on* us like Glenn Beck's sponsors selling gold for 30-35% above fair market constituting usury profits already declared fallen short by way of Torah; but more to the point we pray for You to pray for us cause we are way too fucking stoo-pit and are not able to see even The Visage You of the world You have delivered *to* us as an all inclusive human experience a *human experience* Oh Lord, the very one we disregard by ill-virtue of our ignorant hearts: with the hope we will be saved *by* our ignorance itself while knowing full-well that ignorance of the law - in most in particular - Your Holy Law is so far beyond our feeble comprehension as to never be defensible in that we are not able to discern good from bad so that we are forced, Oh Lord, it would seem, by Your Countenance & Visage to disregard even *Your* Words Oh Lord for our personal aggrandizement in our pursuit of the ultimate worship of the golden calf Praise Thee, Oh Lord, for the free will You Have Given us be as ignorant and as vengeful as
we desire You to be Oh Lord...AAA-Farmer's Insurance-Allstate, Kaiser Permanente & Aetna Be Thy (holy) Name therefore make it so in the name of our precious, ignored, irrefutable, disavowed strumpet: Mary - Our Lady of Light and a Rabbi or two: engage!