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There are tensions between U.S. and Pak: Pentagon

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
FarCenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-17-09 11:53 PM
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There are tensions between U.S. and Pak: Pentagon
The 18th Defense Consultative Group Session -- the first since 2006 -- was led by Undersecretary of Defence for Policy, Michele Flournoy, and Pakistani Defence Secretary Lt Gen (rtd) Syed Athar Ali. The first such meeting was held in 2002

The relationship between the US and Pakistan is complex, the Pentagon said on Friday, acknowledging that there were tensions on both sides.

“Our relationship with Pakistan is complex,” the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, David Sedney, told reporters after a meeting between the defence delegations of the two countries.

The 18th Defense Consultative Group Session -- the first since 2006 -- was led by Undersecretary of Defence for Policy, Michele Flournoy, and Pakistani Defence Secretary Lt Gen (rtd) Syed Athar Ali. The first such meeting was held in 2002.

“There have been a lot of ups and downs over the years, and there are a lot of areas where we still have a lot of open questions and where there are, for lack of a better word, issues that continue to fester from the past. While it’s unfortunate, that’s also understandable,” Sedney said.

“There are tensions on both sides... There’re things that Pakistan wants that we’re not able to do, things that we want Pakistan is not able to do,” he said in response to a query.

He said sometimes the discussions between both sides got “very, very difficult” while at times they are “very, very positive“.

For Pentagon, he said, focus now is on supporting Pakistan in its internal struggle against extremism and helping build a long-term strategic partnership that looks beyond the current light to a Pakistan that plays an important regional role in security.

“It was a frank and open discussion,” Sedney said.

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lib2DaBone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 12:10 AM
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1. the CIA Plan right on schedule...crank up that internal struggle...
For Pentagon, he said, focus now is on supporting Pakistan in its internal struggle against extremism and helping build a long-term strategic partnership that looks beyond the current light to a Pakistan that plays an important regional role in security. I love when they blow smoke up my dress.... I get all giddy....

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